onsdag 31 augusti 2011

Waiting for...?

Tonight is my last night at J's couch! To celebrate this I'm cooking dinner for her and setting the table in time for when she gets home from work. It's going to be great to have a room of my own (even though it is the tiniest little room ever!) but at the same time the thought of not seeing J every day and exchanging daily news with her feels a bit strange, I've grown so used to it during this month. And even though she keeps telling me it is no problem having me there I feel happy to be able to allow her some more privacy by moving out. She is great and I hope to be able to return this favor some day.

Had a group of about 20 design/photography/illustration students here a few minutes ago. Gave them a tour of our current exhibition and there was one guy who was so incredibly handsome it made my knees weak! Now I have to run to each and every opening in the hopes of running in to him again...

Really looking forward to this weekend, lots of fun stuff in store! Friday there is a release-party for a world-music festival I'm probably going to and on Saturday my new flatmates and I are having a little get-together at our flat.

It's nice to have some social activities planned, up until now it has been mostly work and practice for me. Took two classes on Monday, one yesterday, today I'm resting and on tomorrow there will be one more class before the weekend. Hopefully these social activities will lead to more things to report here, it's been kind of dull these last few entries...I know... And no pictures... well here is one now, and I promise to keep them coming more often from now on!

fredag 26 augusti 2011


still in the waitingroom

Yesterday morning I had to run to the tram as usual. Don't know why leaving in time is so freaking difficult, but it is. Started practicing again this week and muscles have been sore all week, so the running-to-the-tram morning exercise is really not necessary right now. It hurts.

I have never been a morning-person but I have to say, these tram rides to work are making my mornings so much more enjoyable! Every morning there are at least a few incredibly good looking men to look at. Yesterday one of them sat next to me and he smelled so good, unlike anything I have ever felt before! Hope to run in to him again some morning...

Not so much gossip wise to report...still kind of finding my own place in this new environment and establishing myself so to speak. Looking forward to getting to know new people and making new friends.

A couple of nights ago I went to an event organized by Bianco and ELLE magazine. There was a small speech about this season's trends, shoes shoes shoes, some food and LOTS of sparkling wine! Unfortunately I had an appointment after the event, otherwise it could have turned in to a real party! Oh, and goodie-bags of course! Got some hairspray from Aussie, some chocolate, nail-polish, lipgloss, magazines and some soda. It was nice. I like getting stuff for free.

torsdag 25 augusti 2011

fredag 19 augusti 2011

Saving money in Oslo

Too lazy to write...
I'm realizing my new job comes with some very nice perks. We get invitation to all kinds of events which means I can go out at least once a week to have a good time, some wine, and some food for no cost what so ever.

Yesterday was one of those occasions, next week there is one on Wednesday, and the week after that there one on Friday. Will report on these eventually. Dinner last night was delicious!

Also, added two new links to blogs I like. They're in Finnish though...don't bother using google translate on them, it won't work. But if you speak Finnish I strongly recommend these blogs.

fredag 12 augusti 2011

How stupid do you think I am?

Damn it! The guy who I was supposed to rent from turned out to be a total fraud!! Luckily I'm not as stupid as to accept any kind of written contract! I told him what I want to have in the contract and that if he can arrange for a new contract containing my requirements we have a deal. Haven't heard from him...

So back to square one with this looking for apartments...

Most of all I feel bad for my friend who has been accommodating me on her couch in her one room apt! Time to check in with someone else I think....

So freaking tired of looking for apartments!! Just get me one now, please!

torsdag 11 augusti 2011


A man just walked by the gallery singing! Despite all that has gone down in this city and country recently my notion remains, that Norwegians are an extraordinarily happy people. And handsome too. Ah.

Today I will sign a contract for a room, I finally have a home in Oslo! Unfortunately though, I still do not have a bed or any other furniture, so I think this means a few more nights on my friend's couch. It's quite a big apartment that I'm moving in to, and I will have three flatmates; a guy from Sweden, a guy from Spain, and a guy from Mexico. So far I've only met the one from Sweden and he seemed rather nice. A bit on the shy side, but nice.

The advantage of guys instead of girls as flatmates is that the bathroom won't be as crowded. Also, they might bring home their (hopefully good-looking) friends...

I'll try to get some pictures here soon of the room!

onsdag 10 augusti 2011

Smelly fingers

Seriously now, I cooked two days ago and my fingers still smell of garlic!! To me that is yet another reason to leave cooking to those who know what they are doing.

I have a new project in mind! All I need is someone who speaks Swedish and Finnish to write the script for it! Interested? Let me know...

söndag 7 augusti 2011

Cutting myself some slack, it is Sunday

This is what Sundays are all about, first practice, then pizza with some friends, then some more practice, then dinner with friends, then home to watch a movie with the girls, eat chips and candy and maybe some more pizza. Tomorrow I'm going on a diet!

Got an offer for an apartment today, third one I've been offered so far and this one is quite nice. But I still have two to check out on Tuesday so I'll wait with my reply for a few more days. I have quite high expectations for one of the apartments on Tuesday, so keep all finger crossed for me s'il vous plait. It is time to move on from J's couch although it is very comfortable.

lördag 6 augusti 2011

Note to self

One of these days I will remember to bring my camera when I leave the apartment in the morning! One of these days...

Childhood revisited

Oh my god, the Norwegian men are incredibly handsome! I've got a 4 hour shift at the gallery today, and all I can say is THANK YOU for these huge windows!! I mean, I've already seen the exhibition so now I'll just spend 4 hours watching the beautiful men walk by my window, aw...

Oh, and how is this for coincidence, heard from a good friend of mine that her brother is also in town!! I mean, I've known him since I was 12 (that makes 17 years now), we grew up in the same city in Sweden, and now we are living in the same city in Norway. He was my boyfriend for about two weeks when we were 12, and he's the first guy I've ever kissed. Like really kissed. I can still remember it, we were sitting on my bed and he kissed me and I remember thinking it was very slimy. Those were the days of innocence lost. Anyway, he is coming by the gallery later today. I haven't seen him since 2008.

It is funny how despite the globalization and despite how easy it is to access anything or anyone anywhere in the world, life (or faith, or the universe or whatever else you choose to believe in) spins you around the same circles. It makes me wonder how much is predestined and how much of what has happened in my life has been by my own choice.

måndag 1 augusti 2011

turning the page

On my way to Oslo now. Stopping at my parents place since they will drive me rest of the way. Feelings are very mixed, excited about all the new stuff ahead and at the same time a bit melancholic thinking of all the wonderful people I'm leaving behind. But I know it is not forever.

Yesterday almost made me want to stay in Finland. M texted to see if I would have time to see him one last time before I leave. I guess I will be forever confused when it comes to him, but I like to think that even though we are only friends right now, sometime in the future we will be more. There just has to be something there, it cannot be all in my head! He took me down to the river and we had ice-cream and he played the saxophone for me. It felt very special and I could have stayed there forever.

But, no M until March, time to focus on the present and enjoy this new adventure that lies ahead! Oslo...what will you give me? I wait in anticipation!